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 The Yeshivat He’Atid Parent Association (YHPA) was organized to offer Yeshivat He'Atid’s families a way to be directly involved in crafting and fostering the culture and spirit of our school. The YHPA is devoted to developing programs and events that advance both the internal morale and camaraderie of its parent body as well as promote the school's unique mission to enhance and revolutionize Jewish day school education.

 The Association organizes programs that enable families to get to know one another and build school spirit in fun and exciting ways. Such events include the annual Back to School Bash, Chanukkah Chagigah, Parents’ Night, End of Year Celebration, and many more! We also have fundraisers such as the joint Bergen County discount card, Purim Mishloach Manot fundraiser, school calendar, and the collection of holiday and end-of-year teacher gifts.

 We would love for all parents to get involved, there are many ways to do so! You can become a member, attend events, help organize programs, assist with fundraising, or help out in any way you can. We encourage you to join the YHPA and offer us your ideas, suggestions, or feedback. Please contact us at if you have any questions or want to find out more about joining the YHPA!



Shirley Bitton & Chaya Gruber
YHPA Co-Presidents

YHPA Board Members:
Danielle Aaron, Jodi Cohen, Lisa Heller, Tamar Kalina, Ashley Klapper, Ayelet Mermelstein, Chevy Nat, Elana Reich, Stephanie Sadek, Estee Wolf