Rotational Classroom Model

Our innovative academic model revolves around a system of small groups.

What are rotations? 

  • Students are strategically placed and rotate around the class.  

  • Each center has a dedicated purpose and each group is given an  equal amount of time per center during rotational blocks. 

Why rotate? 

This unique rotational model allows our teachers to differentiate instruction,  engage students through small-group learning, encourage collaboration,  and provide targeted feedback in real time. 

What do students gain? 

Our teachers are empowered to make decisions about how to group students, and  will regroup them throughout the day and year based on their development and mastery  of a given subject. This allows our teachers to give students personal attention and  individualized enrichment or remediation when necessary. Rotations create the framework for regular independent work. This foundation serves as a launching pad for acquiring new skills and strategies in the years to come.